July 21, 2017

Do You Have These Top 2 Things You Need To Get Your Ex Back? (Honesty + Transformation)

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Video Summary

In this video Clay Andrews, a relationship coach talks about avoiding tricks or deception to get your ex back.

Your relationship ended in break up. This simply means that there were problems in the way you and your ex interacted together. Now, you want to rekindle that romance and want to learn the tricks or magic potions to make that happen. Sorry. That’s not possible.

Honesty is the best policy

As a child, you may have heard that the truth is always easiest to tell because, later, you don’t have to remember the lies you told. The same is true in relationships. If you are advertising one thing and delivering another, your relationship is bound to go sour. So, if you want to re-unite with your ex, pretending that you have fixed the problems you had before is not the answer. Practicing the ‘right’ words and phrases are only temporary Your only answer is to make an emotional transformation within yourself. It’s not easy, but it is essential.

Internal transformation

The problems that caused your break-up were rooted in the foundation of your understanding of each other. If you do not know and understand your own value system, you are tempted to make changes within yourself that run contrary to your personal belief system. Perhaps you wanted this woman so badly that you were eager and willing (in the beginning,) to stop going out on boys’ nights out. Now you resent that sacrifice. You perhaps wanted to live happily ever after with a certain man and, even though he didn’t want you to pursue your own career, you agreed to give up your own goals. Without consulting your own deeply held internal values, your attempts to change the ‘real you’ will be fruitless.

Long term plans

If a long-term relationship is your ultimate goal, you’ll need to first of all know and understand those things you firmly believe and are unwilling to change. As mentioned above, you may be able to “collapse” initially and give in to the wishes of your partner, but, eventually, resentment and unhappiness may build. Ultimately, you will be unable to keep the promises you made because they are based upon a lie – a misrepresentation of who you really are.

In order to accomplish a long-term relationship, you must learn and practice the Three Mindset Pillars which allow you to engage in honest and forthright communication. This is how trust is built and trust is at the foundation of all good relationships.

About Clay Andrews

Clay Andrews is a dating and relationship coach who helps women find the right type of man they can create a loving and thriving relationship with. He is the creator of Ex Solution Program- a program that helps couples get back together. To know more about Clay, visit his website below.

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