July 23, 2017

My Boyfriend Prioritizes and Spends More Time With His Friends Than Me- What Should I Do?

Video Summary

In this video Claire Casey, a dating and relationship coach talks about men who put their friends first and what to do when he spends more time with his friends. Does age have anything to do with it and is this normal behavior?

Men need to have friends

You should be one of his top three priorities, but it is perfectly normal for men to have friends. In fact, it's important for them to have friends at any age and you need to encourage them to do so. As long as you are one of his top three priorities, you can be rest assured that you are very important to him.

Consider special circumstances

There are going to be times when the priority shifts. You need to be in the top three, but that doesn’t mean you always have to be number one. There are going to be special circumstances and times when his friends may need him. It’s important that you are understanding of this.

Communication is important

If he calls up a friend and invites him to join the two of you without consulting you, or decides to spend time with a friend without speaking to you about it when you had plans, this is a problem. It is okay for him to have friends, but it is not okay for him to leave you out of the loop. You need to make sure he understands when you expect to be consulted. For example, if the two of you are planning dinner he should ask before inviting a friend along so you have the option to decline or suggest a different night for it.

Having friends is healthy and normal for men at any age. You should actually encourage his friendships. As long as you are one of his top three priorities you are in a good place. However, you also need to make sure he is communicating with you and treating you fairly. He needs to speak with you before he asks his friends to join the two of you. If something important comes up with one of his friends, he needs to communicate it to you rather than just leave you high and dry. It would be unfair of you to begrudge your man because of his friends; just make sure you let him know what you expect from him in terms of communication surrounding time spent with friends.

About Claire Casey

Claire Casey is the author of the bestselling online program “Capture His Heart and Make Him Love You Forever.” She has devoted her writing to empowering women in the areas of dating, romance, relationships, and sexual intimacy.

To know more about Claire and learn how to attract and keep the man of your dreams, visit her website below.

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